Flow Account address: 0x123cb47fe122f6e3; Identifier: ScoreToken
Although SCORE is created using the token smart contract standard from a technical perspective, SCORE serves as an on-chain record to measure the INDIVIDUAL activeness of a Moxyan.
SCORE cannot be bought, sold, or traded; it can only be earned by participating in any of the following and future Moxy activities:
Current SCORE activities:
Make user referrals
Play games
Play Moxy competitive events
Participate in voting events
Be certified/ verified on Moxy
Purchase Moxy Master Class
Developer specific: submitting a game for funding and winning a community vote
Future SCORE activities:
Create and distribute Moxy content on social media
Vote on Governance proposal
Make In-game achievements
SCORE cannot be bought, burnt, sold, or traded.
Each individual's daily $MOXY reward is calculated based on the following equation.
Last updated